Implant dentistry is a type of restorative dentistry service that we offer at Reilly & Siegel. Our dental implants near Round Lake Beach are titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone where the teeth are missing. If you think you’re a candidate for implants, continue reading to learn more information.
How Many Teeth Can You Replace?
It’s up to you and your dentist! You can replace one tooth, a few teeth, or all of your teeth with the use of implants. Two implants can support a removable lower denture while four implants can provide a full and permanent set of top or bottom teeth.
Are You A Good Candidate?
Most people who are missing a tooth can be a candidate for dental implants. Make sure you talk to your dentist to learn more information and if you can benefit from one or multiple new teeth.
What Are The Benefits?
If you lost a tooth due to decay or gum disease, dental implants give you the ability to replace the damaged tooth with a new one. Additionally, the implants last a lifetime, improving your appearance, confidence and the ability to eat food regularly. Because dental implants are made from titanium, you won’t have to worry about this new set suffering from dental decay.
Are They Safe?
Dental implants have been used for decades and are known to be a safe and effective procedure. What’s important to know is that you should be visiting a knowledgeable and well-trained implant dentist in order to reduce complications and ensure skillful handling of the procedure and recovery. Make sure when discussing implants with your dentist that you are mentioning any health habits you may have and medications you take that may affect the success of the procedure.
How Will I Look With Implants?
Since dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth, your smile will look as natural as possible since the implants mimic the color, feel, and shape of the teeth you already have. Only you will know you have implants and you will feel more confident in showing off your smile with a full set of teeth.
Contact Us Today
If you are ready to learn more about dental implants near Round Lake Beach, contact us today and we will set you up with a preliminary appointment. You can contact us at 847.546.5550 or make an appointment through our website.